When I was younger, we would ride our bikes to Spring Lake to feed the ducks. So I thought we would do it. We saved our heels from our bread until we had a freezer full of them and took the kids to the "Lake". Junior and Abby just loved it!

This is my family, except for Gracie, I am holding her. I love that Junior is trying to throw the right way like his father taught him, but is throwing with the wrong arm again. Abby would throw the whole piece into the water because she was too excited to break it up into little pieces.
These ducks were smart! By the time we left, I think we had all of the ducks from this HUGE (wink, wink) lake over by us, hoping for food. If you threw it high enough, they could even catch it in their beaks before it hit the water.
I tried to get them catching the bread in their beaks, but didn't. At least you can hear Junior and his excited giggle.